The church in Talavera is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Founded by a WEC team in the early years of Spain's democracy, one of the earlier converts was a young lad called Miguel Angel Caja. A few years later he came into contact with the OM year team working with the Esaus, then in the Madrid suburb of Fuenlabrada. In particular he got to know Caroline, from Luxembourg, who soon came to be his wife. After a time of Bible training and preparation the Cajas returned in '98 to pastor his home church. They now have three lovely kids, the last born in July. Last year they were joined by our new long-term girls' team who have re-established the Social Action outreach ministry. There are many immigrants, particularly from Latin-America, in the city and many of these have had previous contact with the Gospel, some coming from evangelical churches in their home lands. (About half of the 60 regulars at the church are Latins.) Yet they have other difficulties integrating into Spanish society. There are also many other problem people in Talavera, who are more open to God's help than the average more settled Spaniard. The girls' efforts among such people have already been very effective in helping many both with specific problems and with spiritual issues. This summer a new activity was the establishment of a branch of Alcoholics Anonymous based in the church premises.
During the first week of October, as part of the anniversary celebrations, a Bible Exhibition was held in a very attractive hall on the Tagus
river bank at the edge of the old city. Every evening there were also special events, such as a concert, which drew reasonable numbers. The local Media were also present and prepared special reports, including interviews with Miguel Angel and others. On one afternoon, partly also through the Social Action team's work, five people prayed to come to know the Lord. This was, of course, a great joy to all of us. Do pray for these people and also for the team and an upcoming concert by the Madrid Gospel choir on 30th November.