Summer time and everyone is contemplating a trip to Spain... to relax on the beach. But for OM Spain it's one of the busiest times of year. Two events high-light the OM summer calendar: first there is the Teen Street camp for -logically- teenagers. But if you've been to or close to the German edition of this event you will be surprised that by comparison the Spanish version is the quieter!!! Yet despite this and the much smaller scale of the event, it has been very effective over the past few years at raising missions awareness among the teens who tend to repeat several years. And as it matures Teen Street Spain is beginning to produce a crop of candidates for overseas mission. For Extremadura, this is basically the first and almost only camp for older teenagers, so it is particularly important.
After Teen Street the team moves straight on to the campaign. Indeed, the older teenagers, who have "graduated" after 4 year of TS also move on to the campaign. This year we were also joined by an American team. The location was La Vera. This is a string of villages with a total population of 35,000 inhabitants, strung along the foot of the Gredos range of mountains. It is one of the beautiful parts of Spain, missed by most holidaymakers to the advantage of those who do get there. Throughout the summer streams rush down gullies off the slopes feeding cooling pools which are just the place to escape the heat of a central Spanish day. Some days the team did just that! But mornings and evenings were busy with a mixture of visitation, open air evangelism and special programmes in old folks' homes. This latter activity has been done on previous campaigns, but never so much as in La Vera, where there seem to be a lot of the places. It was wonderful to see how the old people responded to the low-key Gospel presentations. We trust that the work done will result in more opportunities to make visits in the future, together with transformed lives moving on to populate heaven. Visitation, in the largest village, Jaraiz, with the Jesus video, brought a list of over 20 people who were interested in knowing more about the gospel. Since then, David and Sharon Esau, leaders of the church-plant work in La Vera, have made several visits to the contacts, along with a "new" recruit, Raul Galvez, from Mexico, who having been on a summer campaign in '64 is now back to join the La Vera team. We trust that in the coming weeks he will move from his temporary lodgings in Plasencia to La Vera. Pray for his adaptation to full-time work in Spain. It's rather different to the OM life of 1964! (For one thing the police aren't always chasing us out of town.)